We do train a select few mules for others, but we are pretty selective. We are both in our 60s. Enough said!?
If we agree to start a colt for you, the chances are very good that we will have someone else put the 1st 20 – 30 rides on it, but that will be someone we know and trust. In this case we would want that colt here for 90 rides minimum
We firmly believe that mules are every bit as much different as they are the same. They are the direct product of their parents. As such, just because we want our mule to be a pleasure mule, a reining mule, a great trail mule, or a cattle mule, doesn’t mean that mule will have the physical or mental capabilities to do that.
We will keep you informed and up to date with how your mule is doing while working towards what you want it to be. If, in our opinion, your mule doesn’t seem like it will work out for you we will inform you of that and you can decide how you want to proceed.
We feed very well. It doesn’t do either of us any good to get your mule riding nice while it is tired and hungry as the chances are very good that you will not continue to ride as much as we do and we want it to ride as good for you as it does for us.
When you come to get your mule we will work with you as long as needed to make sure that you and your mule are on the same page when you go home.
We can only handle 1 or 2 outside mules at a time so be sure and allow for the time it will take to get on our schedule.
We will take care of your mule as we do our own, but we all know that animals sometimes get sick or injured. We are fortunate to have 2 very good Vets available to us. In the event your mule needs that attention the costs involved will be your responsibility.
Currently, we charge $1000 for 30 rides and really don’t like to do less than 60, but some mules move along faster than others. That isn’t 30 days, more likely than not it will take us 6 or 7 weeks to do 30 rides, depending on our schedules, but you pay for rides, not days and feed is included. Additional costs, ie. farrier or vet costs, are your responsibility.